Our last driving day So today was our last day with Eileen, insert some hyperventilating sobs, but we had one last hurrah with her. What’s a better way to end our time with Eileen than to traverse through the Valley of the Kings? Knowing we were going to very popularContinue Reading

Magpies We are very much morning people and were off to the races right away in the morning. Now there was so much more we would’ve loved to explore in this area but we only had 2 more days to explore around Ireland before we settled into Dublin and lotsContinue Reading

Incoming!!! One of my favorite photos from Ireland. I have been waiting and I mean WAITING!!! to see and interact with Puffins. Years ago I randomly went to Iceland and I was so excited to see Puffins but we went on the bumper part of the season and the PuffinsContinue Reading

County Limerick Well we had a decision, go to Dingle (we’ve heard good things) or head north. We decided to head north due to wanting to go visit the spookier side of Ireland. Or as we like to think of it as, we were going on a witch hunt… Well notContinue Reading

I am the worst project manager, well on my own personal projects that is. I cannot manage scope. I remember when I went to buy a new couch a few years back, that turned into a new bedroom set, that turned into me ripping out carpeting and redoing the floorsContinue Reading

“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.” I do love Wizard of Oz, so I ask of you how often do you go out andContinue Reading