Hello friends! Well I’ve been off the grid, well not completely off the grid, but off the site for awhile.  I did go off the grid for awhile, literally, and it felt sooooo good to take a digital detox. I highly recommend it.   This detox was self imposed but also outside of my control as I wandered down to the end of the world to Antarctica!  What an amazing experience, no words can do it justice.

I’ll do a proper write of all of my experiences down there shortly.  In the interim I will leave you with this feature of the week.

It was our first excursion cruising around the harbor in the zodiacs. I was so torn on where to focus my attention. Whales were flashing their flukes all around us but off in the distance was this moment with these penguins, Chinstrap penguins to be exact.  I just love that the one on the right was looking straight onto me, catching that I was spying and giving me the stare down. Ahem, can I help you? Let us be to our little penguin meeting. I mean can you blame them, its a power meeting with a bunch of suits.


Shot at 1/5000 sec. f/8 250mm