Mongolia, Anyone? I can’t remember the exact details (it was over a year and a half before the trip) that I learned about the Mongolia trip as an option, all I knew was I wanted in. I do like to go places that may not be something that comes immediateContinue Reading

To recap the trip. It was awesome. I don’t know if I can articulate my expectations I had going into the trip but it far exceeded my expectations. It was a great trip in total. Itinerary: Sunday – Arrive in Dubai in AM. Settle in, nap. Dinner at local LebaneseContinue Reading

We have had 2 days in the city so far, so it was time to explore the desert. We had an afternoon pickup scheduled so we thought it was a good day to sleep in a little and hit up the hotel pool for the morning.  The pool was niceContinue Reading

I was able to get in a sunrise this morning, although it was partly blocked by my neighboring buildings.  As we were getting ready we hemmed and hawed on what to wear, as part of our tour today was to visit a mosque and they had indicated that there wasContinue Reading

Breakfast at the hotel was quite nice and plentiful. Regardless of your culture/dietary needs you can find a wealth of options. City Tour Our half-day city tour started at 9 AM.  Upon pickup we drove over to the beach, the driver said we had to wait 10 minutes and ifContinue Reading

Finally Time! Before our trip, work was crazy. I had accepted a new position within my company so I was in mad dash to make sure people knew what to support while I was gone, meet my new team, and interview a few people for an open role I had.Continue Reading