The Dancing Penguin One of my favorite places in the world, Useful Island.  Penguins, Icebergs, turquoise water, mountains, leaping whales in the distance. It was a complete accumulation of mostly everything Antarctica had to offer. I just had to get the entire scene in the image.   I had toContinue Reading

Incoming!!! One of my favorite photos from Ireland. I have been waiting and I mean WAITING!!! to see and interact with Puffins. Years ago I randomly went to Iceland and I was so excited to see Puffins but we went on the bumper part of the season and the PuffinsContinue Reading

“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.” I do love Wizard of Oz, so I ask of you how often do you go out andContinue Reading

Hello friends! Well I’ve been off the grid, well not completely off the grid, but off the site for awhile.  I did go off the grid for awhile, literally, and it felt sooooo good to take a digital detox. I highly recommend it.   This detox was self imposed butContinue Reading

The little birdies are making their way back south, but before they go we should embrace their presence. This little Pied Billed Grebe enjoyed my little stretch of water one quiet still morning enough for me to get a good reflection in the water as he quietly swam away.  IContinue Reading

I’ve been remiss in posting lately. It appears that I took the summer off. I promise I really didn’t, there was a lot of hard work going on in the background and I just didn’t have the time to update the site.  I’m back now and will catch you upContinue Reading

I had planned on sleeping in, I didn’t set the alarm, I hunkered down for the night.  I woke up way too early, the lake beckoning me to visit.  The sun started to glint on the horizon.  I said no many times in my head but the pull of aContinue Reading

Who doesn’t love otters?!  Okay so maybe my sister doesn’t.  She has a terrible memory of being chased from a being with sharp, pointy teeth while we were in Yellowstone as kids.  I say it was a chipmunk, she claims a ferocious otter/ferret/weasel…. Toe may toe, Tow mah tow. Hahaha!Continue Reading

What is it about waterfalls? They are just so dreamy. And what makes them dreamier but a long exposure? So we were driving along in the Pacific Northwest in Olympic National Park. Headed north to try to find just the perfect beach but sometimes you need to stop randomly alongContinue Reading