Our time has ended on Isabela and we were off to return to Santa Cruz.  After our boat ride, we were greeted with an extra special treat.  A newborn (probably only hours old) sea lion pup was near the shore with his momma. She was encouraging him to come intoContinue Reading

So we have shaken off our spider fears even though a heeby jeeby would crawl up your spine and make you shudder every once in awhile. We were off to start a very, very busy day. What would an island adventure be without visiting a tortoise center?  This one wasContinue Reading

Why am I always rushing to get out the door? January is usually dark and cold.  Oddly enough we had a few spikes of warm weather (enough to melt the snow) to be thrust back into the cold the following days (think sheer ice).  So the idea of going nearContinue Reading